Different human elements arrived from several Hispanic regions to conform the Panamanian population; there was not either among them, a racial homogeneity, because Mediterranean types arrived, of average size and dark skin as northern, of high size and blond hair.
In the region of Azuero there are the cultural and racial mixtures of the three ethnic branches that settled here since the beginning of the XVI century, but these did not continue a homogeneous process by the diversity of geographical regions that form part of our peninsula.
The Negroid racial group is settled in several communities such as: Santa Maria, El Rincon, El Limon, Parita, La Arena, in smaller proportion than Chitre and La Villa. This group is a genetic slave legate of laborer of the colonial estates that extended themselves along the adjoining lands to the Gulf of Parita, from Anton to the Villa of Los Santos.
The native group is already extinct as a bicultural entity in Azuero in the 18th century. Nevertheless in the high lands of Las Minas and los Llanos of Ocu, Pedasi, Pocri, Macaracas, Pese, Santa Barbara, Amerindians influences are found.
El grupo indígena ya extinto como ente bicultural en Azuero en el siglo XVIII. Sin embargo en las tierras altas de Las Minas y los Llanos de Ocú, Pedasí, Pocrí, Macaracas, Pesé, Santa Bárbara se encuentran influencias amerindios.
The Hispanic-native group was the heir of the old Spanish cultural tradition, whose more visible elements were: the language, the religion, the art, the social organization, etc.